Code of Ethics

The Australian Psychological Society Limited (the Society) adopted the Code of Ethics (the Code) at its Forty-First Annual General Meeting held on 27 September 2007 and is referenced for explanation below. As registered Psychologists at Ferris Management Consultants Pty Ltd we provide our services to our clients bound by this Code of Ethics.

The Australian Psychological Society Code of Ethics articulates and promotes ethical principles, and sets specific standards to guide both Psychologists and members of the public to a clear understanding and expectation of what is considered ethical professional conduct by Psychologists.

The Code is built on three general ethical principles. They are:

  • Respect for the rights and dignity of people and peoples
  • Propriety
  • Integrity


Psychologists regard people as intrinsically valuable and respect their rights, including the right to autonomy and justice. Psychologists engage in conduct which promotes equity and the protection of people’s human rights, legal rights, and moral rights. They respect the dignity of all people and peoples.

Psychologists demonstrate their respect for people by acknowledging their legal rights and moral rights, their dignity and right to participate in decisions affecting their lives. They recognise the importance of people’s privacy and confidentiality, and physical and personal integrity, and recognise the power they hold over people when practising as Psychologists. They have a high regard for the diversity and uniqueness of people and their right to linguistically and culturally appropriate services. Psychologists acknowledge people’s right to be treated fairly without discrimination or favouritism, and they endeavour to ensure that all people have reasonable and fair access to psychological services and share in the benefits that the practice of psychology can offer.


Psychologists ensure that they are competent to deliver the psychological services they provide. They provide psychological services to benefit, and not to harm. Psychologists seek to protect the interests of the people and peoples with whom they work. The welfare of clients and the public, and the standing of the profession, take precedence over a Psychologist’s self-interest.

Psychologists practise within the limits of their competence and know and understand the legal, professional, ethical and, where applicable, organisational rules that regulate the psychological services they provide. They undertake continuing professional development and take steps to ensure that they remain competent to practise, and strive to be aware of the possible effect of their own physical and mental health on their ability to practise competently. Psychologists anticipate the foreseeable consequences of their professional decisions, provide services that are beneficial to people and do not harm them. Psychologists take responsibility for their professional decisions.


Psychologists recognise that their knowledge of the discipline of psychology, their professional standing, and the information they gather place them in a position of power and trust. They exercise their power appropriately and honour this position of trust. Psychologists keep faith with the nature and intentions of their professional relationships. Psychologists act with probity and honesty in their conduct.

Psychologists recognise that their position of trust requires them to be honest and objective in their professional dealings. They are committed to the best interests of their clients, the profession and their colleagues. Psychologists are aware of their own biases, limits to their objectivity, and the importance of maintaining proper boundaries with clients. They identify and avoid potential conflicts of interest. They refrain from exploiting clients and associated parties.